Read-A-Thon is Here!

Monday, October 9th - Friday, October 27th

Totals Due: October 30th

Money Due: November 3rd

WHAT IS READ-A-THON? The Fundraising Committee is excited to announce the fall Read-A-Thon! Your family members and friends can pledge to donate $1 per book that your child reads. Each time your family reads together you earn $1 toward your goal! Keep track on the sheet provided and at the end of the Read-A-Thon show your sponsors your book total and collect your earnings.

  • 100% of the proceeds from our Read-A-Thon will benefit Playschool.

  • PRIZES! Be sure to keep track of how many books your family reads together, not only will you earn money for the school but there will also be a prize for the family

    who reads the most.

  • All participants will also be entered to win a prize from a random drawing.

SHARE! As part of the Read-A-Thon we will be setting up a book swap in the coat room. Leave a book your child would like to share with their friends and take a new book home to read with your family. Part of the fun of reading is discovering new things and sharing a favorite story with a friend.

Please contact Courtney Wiggins ( or Terry with any questions.

Money collected should be turned in to Terry.